How Silicon Ring Resonators Are Rewriting the Rules of Quantum Computing

Photonic Optical Computing Concept

Researchers have made a pivotal advance in quantum technology by developing integrated photonics that enable the control and manipulation of light on silicon chips. This innovation facilitates ultra-secure communications and enhances quantum computing capabilities. Credit:

A breakthrough in integrated photonics has allowed researchers to harness light manipulation on silicon chips, paving the way for improved

Integrated photonics, the manipulation of light within tiny circuits on silicon chips, has long held promise for quantum applications due to its scalability and compatibility with existing telecommunications infrastructure.

Silicon Microresonator Provides a Parametric Broadband Source for Frequency-Entangled Photon Pairs

A silicon microresonator (left, SEM image) provides a parametric broadband source for frequency-entangled photon pairs 21 GHz apart to achieve frequency-encoded large-scale quantum networks. The result is a trusted-node-free, fully-connected network where users are linked by a two-qubit frequency-entangled state. Credit: Henry et al., doi 10.1117/1.AP.6.3.036003.

Breakthrough in Quantum Circuit Design

In a study published in Advanced Photonics, researchers from the Centre for Nanosciences and Nanotechnology (C2N), Télécom Paris, and STMicroelectronics (STM) have overcome previous limitations by developing silicon ring resonators with a footprint smaller than 0.05 mm² capable of generating over 70 distinct frequency channels spaced 21 GHz apart.

This allows for the parallelization and independent control of 34 single qubit-gates using just three standard electro-optic devices. The device can efficiently generate frequency-bin entangled SciTechDaily