Nvidia has released a new Game Ready driver (version 546.33) that adds support for three new and current titles including Fortnite Chapter 5, Squad, and The Finals. The latter is a brand new first-person shooter from Embark Studios — a studio comprised of ex-Battlefield DICE developers — that quietly left early access and launched on Steam a few days ago. The game has exploded in popularity since its arrival, with over 200,000 concurrent players regularly enabling the game to break into Valve‘s top 10 most-played games on the Steam platform.
The Finals is a new take on the first-person shooter genre, featuring some gameplay elements you don’t see in other contemporary shooters. The defining feature of the game is its destructible buildings, which opens up a near infinite amount of gameplay opportunities. And when we say destructible buildings, we don’t mean your typical building destruction physics that you might see in Battlefield or War Thunder. The buildings in The Finals are completely destructible from top to bottom, enabling players to block off objectives, create choke points, and relocate enemy players at will.
The game is set in a virtual tournament with spectators watching you on the edge of the map. The main game mode is simple, featuring three teams of three who need to acquire cash and bank it out to win. But, winning a game can be extremely difficult due to the destructible buildings and the numerous weapons, gadgets, and character classes provided.

Nvidia’s latest driver update should provide gamers with the smoothest gaming experience on GeForce hardware with these new games. The Finals is not particularly demanding, though it comes with all the latest Nvidia graphics features like DLSS, DLAA, DLSS 3 Frame Generation, Reflex, and RTX Global Illumination to improve the game’s performance and/or image quality.
According to Nvidia’s benchmarks, the game can easily achieve over 90 FPS on an RTX 4060 at 1080p with ray tracing and the game’s graphical settings maxed out, all without DLSS enabled. On the other side of the equation, an RTX 4090 at 4K can hit 130 FPS at native 4K, or 226.2 FPS with DLSS upscaling and Frame Generation enabled.
If you’re interested in playing The Finals on an Nvidia card, be sure you grab this new driver — or at least a recent driver. I found that the game doesn’t like to boot with old Nvidia drivers, causing the display to output a black screen. So, if you come across that issue, give this latest driver a shot.