How Tiny Quantum Twists Could Power Tomorrow’s Tech

Advanced Electronics Spintronics Art Concept Illustration

Researchers at Penn State are working on advanced electronics using something called kink states, which are special pathways for electrons in materials. These paths could help create networks for quantum information, which is essential for the next generation of electronics. Credit:

Researchers at Penn State are developing advanced quantum electronics using kink states, which are unique electron pathways in semiconducting materials.

These states could potentially form the backbone of a quantum interconnect network, crucial for transmitting quantum information efficiently. The team has made significant advancements in controlling these states through innovative material combinations and device designs, enhancing the potential for scalable quantum electronics.

The key to developing quantum electronics may have a few kinks. According to a team led by researchers at Penn State, that’s not a bad thing when it comes to the precise control needed to fabricate and operate such devices, including advanced sensors and lasers. The researchers fabricated a switch to turn on and off the presence of kink states, which are electrical conduction pathways at the edge of semiconducting materials. By controlling the formation of the kink states, researchers can regulate the flow of electrons in a quantum system.

Exploring Kink States for Quantum Information

“We envision the construction of a quantum interconnect network using the kink states as the backbone,” said team leader Jun Zhu, professor of physics at Penn State. Zhu is also affiliated with Penn State’s Center for 2-Dimensional Layered Materials. “Such a network may be used to carry quantum information on-chip over a long distance, for which a classical copper wire won’t work because it has resistance and therefore cannot maintain quantum coherence.”

The work, published recently in the journal Science, potentially provides a foundation for researchers to continue investigating kink states and their application in electron quantum optics devices and quantum computers.

Switch Mechanics and Quantum Valley Hall Effect

“This switch operates differently from a conventional switch, where the electrical current is regulated through a gate, similarly to traffic through a toll plaza,” Zhu said. “Here, we are removing and rebuilding the road itself”.

Kink states exist in a quantum device built with a material known as Bernal bilayer SciTechDaily