Leading AI Scientists Warn of Unleashing Risks Beyond Human Control


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Leading AI scientists have issued a call for urgent action from global leaders, criticizing the lack of progress since the last AI Safety Summit. They propose stringent policies to govern AI development and prevent its misuse, emphasizing the potential for AI to exceed human capabilities and pose severe risks. Credit: SciTechDaily.com


AI experts warn of insufficient global action on AI risks, advocating for strict governance to avert potential catastrophes.

Leading AI scientists are urging world leaders to take more decisive actions on AI risks, highlighting that the progress made since the first AI Safety Summit in Bletchley Park six months ago has been inadequate.

At that initial summit, global leaders committed to managing AI responsibly. Yet, with the second AI Safety Summit in Seoul (May 21-22) fast approaching, twenty-five top AI researchers assert that current efforts are insufficient to safeguard against the dangers posed by the technology. In a consensus paper published today (May 20) in the journal Science, they propose urgent policy measures that need to be implemented to counteract the threats from AI technologies.

Professor Philip Torr, Department of Engineering Science, SciTechDaily